About Me
Hello there! I'm Benaiah Matthew Catherasoo, a 24-year-old dedicated follower of Christ, currently residing in Zurich, Switzerland. Professionally, I serve as an IT System Engineer for Switzerland's largest private media company. Beyond my work in the tech world, I have a deep passion for photography and videography, having been involved in numerous projects related to these fields.
Throughout my career as an IT System Engineer, I've had the privilege of working on a diverse range of projects across various domains, each involving different tools and systems. These experiences have not only expanded my knowledge but have also heightened my understanding of the diverse needs of individuals and organizations, along with how to effectively meet those needs.
In my role as a multimedia specialist, I undertook comprehensive marketing responsibilities for Billion Pictures, overseeing everything from the website to content creation. Additionally, I co-founded The Believe Trend, where I took charge of video, audio, and marketing efforts. I was also an integral part of the marketing teams for several clubs in Berne, Switzerland. Furthermore, my involvement with AllSaints, formerly known as Community in Solothurn, Switzerland, allowed me to manage online presence and handle video and audio productions.
Within my home church, AGAPE Christian Centre, I serve as the go-to person for the Soundbooth, Video, Audio, and Technical aspects. I'm also an active member of ACCM Productions, where my talents are put to use in photography and video production.
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